
Wednesday, August 24

Pets on Quilts Post 2 - Charly and Wilbur Mug Rug

Last year Ruth (Charly & Ben's Crafty Corner) and I did a little mug rug swap together.  She made me two beautiful mug rugs which were too pretty to use, so I hung them on the wall and admire them every day.  (Thanks again Ruth!)

The mug rug I made for Ruth featured her dogs Charly & Wilbur, riding in a wagon.  They have a third pup now, a Basset puppy named Maggie, and you can read all about their fun photo shoot by clicking on the link in the first paragraph. 

My regular readers already saw Ruth's surprise, but I thought it would be fun to enter the Charly & Wilbur mug rug in the Pets on Quilts Show, in the Pet Themed Quilt Category.  Today is the last day and tomorrow the voting begins, so make sure you go see all the great entries at Lily Pad Quilting!  Jacque hosts this show every summer and it's one of those great blogland events where you can meet a lot of friends, both new and old.

Charly & Wilbur Mug Rug, made with Crafted Applique

I made Ruth's mug rug using the Crafted Appliqué method for fray-free raw edge, machine stitched appliques.  The method is taught in my book Crafted Appliqué: New Possibilities.  This year the book is one of the many fun prizes you can win by participating in the Pets on Quilts Show!  

Well, it's time for me to get busy blog hopping.  There are almost 50 terrific looking posts to see in the Pets on Quilts Show!

Thanks for visiting, because...

You can click on the pup to leave a comment.
If you are a blogger too, she'll most likely follow you home.

Pets on Quilts Post 1 - Libby, Libby, Libby on the Label, Label, Label

Talk about squeaking in at the 11th hour.  I'm back with a working laptop now and ready to go blog hopping. I have soooo much catching up to do. 

Today is the last day to link up posts and pictures for the Pets on Quilts Parade over at Jacque's Lily Pad Quilting.  The voting begins tomorrow... and it will be no easy choice because there are so many great entries!  Jacque, you do such a great job hosting one of the funnest events in Quilting Blog Land and we all really appreciate all the hard work you put into it each year.  Thank you!

So without further ado, here is my first entry in the Pet Themed Quilt category - a quilted pillow.  I made it using the Crafted Appliqué technique, from my book of the same name.  (My book is one of the sponsored prizes in the Pets on Quilts Show this year!)  This method really enables you to do raw edge applique with the tiniest details and not worry as much about fraying.  

The pillow is a thank you gift for a friend and it features her little Boston Terrier "Libby", happily licking a blue raspberry popsicle.  (I was informed that those are the very best flavor.)  My friend is just crazy about her dog, so stalking her for pet photos was a lot of fun. 

Popsicle Pup Pillow

If you click on the picture below, you can see Libby's eye a little better.  I did it in brown fabric and it doesn't show up as well as it does in person.  She has her eyes closed in popsicle licking bliss.

Popsicle Pup Pillow

Since this year I haven't got a pet on a quilt entry, I plopped Penny by the Popsicle Pup pillow and took some photos of her in the chair.  I'm including them in this post as an extra, just for fun.  Can you see her trying to look everywhere but at the camera?  You can almost hear what she's thinking.  She gets shy if you focus on her too much.  Normally, she can't hold her licker.   

Penny's Photo Shoot

I'm writing another post today for a second entry in the Pets on Quilts Parade.  Two posts in one day - that's a new one for me.

Thanks for visiting, because...

You can click on the pup to leave a comment.
If you are a blogger too, she'll most likely follow you home.

Wednesday, August 10

Pets on Quilts is Coming Soon with Lots of Fun and Prizes!

Hey there everybody!  Just in case you haven't heard: One of the most social and fun events in QBL (Quilting Blogland) is starting this Sunday at Jacque's Lily Pad Quilting....

Pets on Quilts 2016
August 14th through 24th

This blog linky party is packed with great posts every year and truly this is where I have met so many of my blogging friends.  Jacque has lined up a whole bunch of wonderful prizes and sponsors.  (Including moi - I will be giving away a copy of "Crafted Applique: New Possibilities")  

You don't have to have a pet to take part in the contest and show.  Pet themed quilts are one of the categories.  Every kind of pet is welcome too and each year there are some interesting entrants.  I'm pretty sure you don't have to be a blogger either, because there are usually Flicker entrants and I bet Instagram photos would work too.  (Do you hear that Gonzo?  I expect to see a photo of Willow.)  So gather up those cuddly pets, those crawly pets, pets that bark, meow, chirp, snort, and whinny!  Take some photos and come and join the party!    


The latest BIG NEWS is that the American Quilter's Society is leaving book publishing.  Some of you have undoubtedly read or heard the public announcements.  They will still be producing their magazine and running the quilt shows, both of which have bright futures and ever growing popularity.

A few of you have asked how this is going to affect my book "Crafted Applique: New Possibilities", which came out only 4 months ago.  Thank you for checking up about that!  What this decision means for all the AQS authors is that there will not be any further printings of their books unless they or someone else buys up the publishing rights.  This is especially rough on authors whose books just came out or are just coming out.  As one said to me, she now views her book as a very expensive business card.

So all our books now have a finite number of copies left in print.  If you have been waiting to buy any of the recent AQS book releases, now would be a good time to do it.  If you can purchase the book directly from the author, that is even better.  Especially keep your eye out for the very last authors who will be coming down the pike.  There are some really great books still to be released!          



This is going to have to be a post where I've disabled commenting.  That's because my laptop zonked out after an automatic update a couple of weeks ago.  Thank you very much Microsoft.  HAL was only 18 months old and is now completely kaput and of course, just past his warranty period.  My ability to spend time at this big computer is limited, so I've been rarely online and have tons of catching up to do.  I'm buried in emails.  If you should have heard from me, but haven't - that is why.  Give me another nudge if you need to!  I'll be up and running again in time to participate in Pets on Quilts.  Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, July 27

Tea in the Rose Garden + Kate Spain Giveaway Winners

The first thing I need to do here is perhaps apologize to my friend France, whose very lovely mug rug pattern Tea in the Rose Garden I have used in a way she may never have foreseen.  Those of you who know France must admire her elegance and poetic way of expressing herself as much as I do.  (And if you don't know her yet, she has a wonderful blog here.)  France, I hope you don't mind that I've embroidered a colorful word on this little quilt.  

So I want to make it clear that this is NOT what France embroidered on her mug rug pattern.  She has the words "Tea in the Rose Garden" or, in French: "Petit napperon Le thé dans la roseraie".  The reason I thought that France's pretty pattern worked so well for this is because it contrasts so much with the phrase I used, thus making it more humorous.

This is still a work in progress.  It's for my friend who has been battling dire health problems for far too long and sometimes just doesn't feel up to explaining everything that has been going on.  She will immediately recognize that it is for her, because we've been joking around about this phrase lately.

I'm spilling the beans a bit early because I need advice on how to quilt this.  How in the world do you quilt something with embroidered details?  Any thoughts?  The whole piece measures only 8 x 10 inches.  The embroidery is a whipped back stitch, so it's raised up a little.  Bear in mind that I'm not good at embroidery and this is the best I've ever managed to do.  I used the Crafted Applique method for the teacups and rose and it worked like a charm.


Happy Mail!

Recently, a surprise arrived in our mailbox for me.  It was from my friend Preeti Harris, who blogs at Sew Preeti Quilts.  She's just such a complete sweetheart and I've been so glad that we've become friends.  Thank you Preeti!

Three FQs, beautiful variegated thread and Mysore Sandal Soap, which smells so divine!


Giveaway Winners!

Here on BuzzinBumble, I had a giveaway during the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop.  It was a really popular giveaway and I can see why.  Thank you everyone for your participation and for all the wonderful comments!  I managed to reply to everyone, unless they were a no-reply commenter.  So if you didn't hear back from me, that is why.

Three lucky commenters won this terrific Kate Spain panel from her North Woods fabric line. 

The winners were drawn by the Random Integer Generator.  I had to redraw for one of the winners, because number 83 turned out to be my daughter Alina... which wouldn't be very fair, although I loved her comment.  

So the winners are:  # 50 - Selina, # 41 - Nancy, and # 100 - Susie.

I'll be in touch with all of you!

Thank's for stopping by, because...

You can click on the pup and she'll 
take you to the comment section.

Monday, July 18

12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop: Frosted Flakes Quilted Runner & a Giveaway!

12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop

There's an exciting event going on in Quilting Blogland and it's the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop, put together by Sarah Craig @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  Sarah gathered together 25 terrific bloggers to share ideas for Christmas crafts, quilting, and recipes - so you can get a head start on the holidays this year.  You can find all the blog hop stops in the list at the end of this post and also by searching the hashtag #12daysofchristmasinjuly on social media.

Today is Day 5 and I share this day with my friend Soma @ Whims and Fancies, so be sure to check out her post today too because she's teaching us how to make handmade books and bookmarks!   To top it all off, Sarah is running a 12 Days of Christmas in July Quilt Along for the delightful quilt shown below, and she estimates that with only 1 hour a day you can have the quilt top completed in just 12 days.  

12 Days of Christmas Quilt Along


Frosted Flakes Quilted Runner

Did you ever make paper snowflake cutouts as a kid?  It has always been a tradition in our family to make them, so for my 12 Days of Christmas project, I decided to make an appliqued and quilted snowflake runner.  I'm calling it the Frosted Flakes Runner, because I used Fairy Frost fabric for the snowflakes.

Close up of a Crafted Applique Snowflake

It's no surprise that I used my Crafted Applique method to make these snowflakes. (hashtag #craftedapplique)  I didn't want any fraying and knew my method would keep the edges nice and neat, while at the same time allowing me to cut out elaborate shapes. You could also do this project using fusible web interfacing to adhere your appliques. 
Swirling Breeze quilting

Fabrics used - I was going for the same color as jadeite:
Very Merry by Sandy Gervais for Moda - Light Aqua - 17832-15
Very Merry by Sandy Gervais for Moda - Light Aqua - 17834-15
Michael Miller Fairy Frost in Snow

Here's another shot, this one taken indoors:

A peek at the nine snowflake patterns (I designed nine, just in case someone wants to get flakier than me):

Frosted Flakes Snowflake Applique Patterns

You can download and save the Microsoft Word document, complete with sewing instructions and all 9 snowflake patterns by clicking here:

Don't forget to read to the end of the post, because I'm also having a great Christmas in July giveaway!


Holiday Brunch Menu

One of the other fun things Sarah suggested was that we share a favorite recipe.  Our family has so many of them!  As the kids started becoming great cooks in their own right, we all developed an addiction to trying out recipes we find on Pinterest, so that is what I will be sharing today.   I'm laughing a little at this photo.  The runner is meant to be one long hot pad, but I wasn't ready for it to get besmirched yet, so we kept all the food off of it.  :)  If you use Insul-bright batting instead of regular batting, you'll have yourself a dandy hot pad.  


A simple Christmas Holiday Brunch, featuring:

Ham Quiche Cups - so quick to make!

Ham Quiche Cups

Glazed Cranberry Orange Scones - we substituted fresh blueberries - yum!

Glazed Blueberry Orange Scones, Cranberry & Grand Marnier Champagne Cocktail, and Coffee

Cranberry and Grand Marnier Champagne Cocktail - we substituted Proseco for the champagne.   You can also use sparkling cider for a non alcoholic alternative.  Next time we will stick to just the simple curled orange peel garnish.  The lime slice and pomegranate seeds were a bit much.  


I hope you will visit all the other bloggers participating in the hop!  Here is the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop Schedule:

July 14th:    Sharon Vrooman @ Vrooman’s Quilts
                   Carole Carter @ From My Carolina Home

July 15th:    Yanicka Hachez @ Finding Myself As An Artist
                   Chris Dodsley @ made by ChrissieD

July 16th:     Marsha Hodgkins @ Quilter in Motion
                    Leanne Parsons  @ Devoted Quilter

July 17th:     Tonia Conner @ All Thingz Sewn
                    Selina @ Selina Quilts

July 18th:     Lara Buccella @ BuzzinBumble - That's me!
                    Soma Acharya @ Whims and Fancies

July 19th:     Joanne Harris@ Quilts by Joanne
                    Suzy Webster @ Adventurous Applique and Quilting

July 20th:     Vicki in MN @ Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
                    Jennifer Fulton @ The Inquiring Quilter

July 21st:     Michele Kuhns @ Crayon Box Quilt Studio
                   Jan Ochterbeck @ The Colorful Fabriholic

July 22nd:     Alla Blanca @ Rainbows. Bunnies. Cupcakes.
                    Zenia Rene @ A Quilted Passion

July 23rd:     Joanne Hubbard @ Everyone Deserves a Quilt
                    Paige Alexander @ Quilted Blooms

July 24th:     Carolyn Jones @ …by CJ
                    Tisha Nagel @ Quilty Therapy

July 25th:     Susan Arnold @ Quilt Fabrication
                    Beth Sellers @ Cooking Up Quilts
                    Linda Pearl @ One Quilting Circle


12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

Last, but not least, I holding my own giveaway, where THREE lucky commenters will win this wonderful red and white fabric panel:

North Woods - by Kate Spain for Moda - Fabric panel in Cranberry
It's from Kate Spain's "North Woods" collection and features a table topper and ornaments/appliques.  Perfect for a fun and fast Christmas project!  

If you'd like a chance to win, just leave a comment below.  BuzzinBumble followers, both new and old, can have a second chance at winning - just leave a second comment telling me how you follow my blog.  Make sure you also leave a way for me to contact you if you win.  There are more and more no-reply commenters these days and most people are unaware of it.   Three lucky winners will be randomly drawn on July 25th, 2016 and I will announce them here on BuzzinBumble soon afterwards.

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you will enjoy the free Frosted Flakes Quilted Runner pattern!

Click on the pup and she'll take you to the comment section.